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eXtremOS: Modelling the European energy system of the future
eXtremOS: Modelling the European energy system of the future
Roberto Pasqualino presents "Global Systemic Risk Analysis with the ERRE model"
10 years to transform the future of humanity -- or destabilize the planet | Johan Rockström
ETSAP Webinar 7: Climate Variations, Fluctuations and Extremes impacts on energy systems. May 2021.
The dynamics of energy transition: connecting modelling to policy design by Sara Hastings-Simon
Climate Extremes (Full Documentary)
Europe’s climate in 2050
Future-Proofing Our Energy System
Resilient energy system: How to future-proof our power grid against climate change
Meet Mini-Grids — the Clean Energy Solution Bringing Power to Millions | Tombo Banda | TED
How a Sand Battery Could Revolutionize Home Energy Storage